How do I verify my email address?
When you join IRESE, an email is sent to the email address you provided to
verify your email address. In that email is a "Verify my email address" link
that will allow you to automatically verify your email address.
If clicking the link in the email doesn't do anything, you can just copy the URL
that starts with "", paste it into your browser's
"Address" bar, and hit Enter.
What if I don't receive the verification email?
If you do not receive the verification email, your ISP or email software might
be preventing you from receiving it.
Learn more about receiving IRESE email.
Why do I have to verify my email address?
To protect the security of all IRESE members, all new members are required to
verify their email address. When you verify your email address, you prove that
you are the owner of your email address, and that your email address has been
entered properly. This is a security precaution that is used on many web sites.